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Discover Who You Are

Discover Who You Are

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I'm dedicated to helping every person reach their God-given potential and live In Purpose On Purpose!


Authenticity & EQ 4 Purpose Coaching




Emotions affect everything we do in life and are often the lens we see everything; this is why it is very important to be emotionally intelligent.

I partner with you to break down the thinking and emotional patterns that are keeping you from achieving your maximum potential and or preventing you from boldly walking in your purpose on purpose! I will guide you through the process of becoming self-aware and doing the work necessary to overcome obstacles currently holding you back, getting in your way, and allowing you to be a repeat offender emotionally. I will help you become more aware of your emotional state and help you improve your emotional intelligence. I will help you to navigate your emotions through many of life’s ups and downs and help you learn to let go of negative emotions so you can thrive.






I work with clients to uncover their core values, beliefs, and strengths, while  guiding them towards living in in purpose on purpose! Authenticity coaching provides a safe and supportive space for clients to delve into self-exploration, gain self-awareness, and develop strategies to overcome barriers that hinder authentic living.

 I encourage individuals to embrace their unique qualities, talents, and passions which empowers them to live authentically, make choices aligned with their values, and create a life that reflects their true selves and purpose.

 Through meaningful conversations and thought-provoking exercises, authenticity coaching guides clients towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their life's purpose.

At the heart of authenticity coaching lies the idea that each individual possesses an authentic self . Authenticity coaching aims to strip away the layers of societal pressures, past experiences and external influences; allowing individuals to embrace their true identities and align their actions with their inner truths.





One of my purposes is to help you find yours! You want clarity to know who you are and what you are meant to do. You want to know what your purpose is and want to be living in alignment with that purpose. You want clear steps on how to find your purpose, and more importantly how to walk in purpose on purpose. 

Let me partner with you to help discover your core values, beliefs, personality wiring, gifts, and unique identity, to discover know how you are wired to help you fulfill your purpose, and how to navigate moving forward with clarity to boldly walk in purpose on purpose. You have something unique to offer the world and people are waiting for your yes






As a  spiritual advisor I work to nurture the deepest parts of of a person, edifying and exhorting them to build their relationship with God. Not everyone belongs to a church or is a part of a ministry that operates in spiritual gifts. Having a spiritual advisor offers relief and reminds you that you don't have to do life alone.  There is someone to talk to, pray for you, intercede on your behalf, hold you accountable, teach, and learn. We all have blind spots that prevent us from seeing ourselves and our situation accurately but iron sharpens iron! A spiritual advisor is graced to see the spiritual things that you might not be aware of and operate as a companion in the spirit. Specialty areas are:

  • how to hear God's voice and

  • how does God specifically speaks to you

  • discernment

  • prophecy

  • spiritual gifts

  • strongholds

  • deliverance

  • all things Holy Spirit.






Are you frustrated, need a breakthrough, culture shift, outside unbiased representation, and need a force multiplier to come in and shift things or you?

I consult with leaders, entrepreneurs, and businesses to use my gift of prophecy and leadership to give divine wisdom, knowledge, and strategy. My specialty is all things people which is why people call me the people whisperer and the force multiplier. I especially help in perfecting the pivot and helping change directions or company culture. God is proactive, not reactive so we prophetically forecast what is coming and set up a plan.

I partner with you to set compelling direction and strategy

Communicate effectively, powerfully, and with presence

I identify areas of opportunity by giving an outside honest perspective.

Leverage the energy of conflict and diversity in organization and relationship

Be mindful of the culture they want to create to inspire and galvanize others.

See What People Are Saying

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